Q: How to define my own book menu language?
A: Read the following direction and you will find it's very easy to do.
Hey, I have a question to ask you. I’m working on a German magazine, and I was trying to make it to a flash book. But when I import it to the software, I found that the flash bar language was in English and the other is Chinese. It’s nothing bad to use English bar, but I think it will be better if I can use German.
To use another bar language, you can edit a new one.
Step1: choose “option-> flash language” from the menu bar;
Step2: click “new language” button for adding a new;
Step3: name the new language file and choose which language to base on;
Step4: switch to the new language, and then double click a button caption from the column to edit it. Click “save and edit next” to process to the next one until done.
Step5: click “ok” after all were edited and switch to the new language at the designing panel.
*Please be aware that you have to click “Apply Changes” to apply any changes to the flash book.
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