Frequently Asked Question
- 1. How can I send created books to others via Email?
- 2. Can I store the output flash book as a separate single file?
- 3. How do I embed sound into the flash book?
- 4. Can I change the background with my images?
- 5. How to remove text "flashbookmaker.com" in the top left corner of the book?
- 6. How to show thumbnails while turning pages in FlashBooks?
- 7. How to define the speed of page moving?
- 8. How can I make the published flash book auto slide?
Tips For Your Reference
- PDF to FlashBook Professional
- 1. Choose a proper mode to publish your files online.
- 2. Create Flash Books with comparing text in contiguous pages of files.
- 3. ZIP—An easy way to email files together.
- 4. How to make Flash Book as a part of other webpage instead of a single page?
- 5. Protect copy right of published eBooks online.
- 6. How to make Flash eBooks different from others?
- 7. Change display language of your FlashBook.
- 8. Batch convert a set of PDF files into eBooks.
- 9. How to change the background image of my flash book?
- 10. How to add URL to PDF contents when converting PDFs to flash flip books?
- 11. I want to share my flash flip book to my friends or clients by email or on social websites.
- 12. Can I add bookmarks to the output flash flip book?
- 13. I want to search contents in the flash flip book by typing keywords.
- 14. I want to edit the about information of the flash flipping book.
- 15. Is that possible to add security to the whole flip book or just to some pages?
- 16. I want to add a logo and title to my flash flip book, is that possible?
- 17. How to add download URL to flash flip book?
- 18. Quick add watermarks to the page flip book.
- 19. Can I show my homepage in the flash flipping book?
- 20. How to set the flash book tool bar language?
- 21. Can I print my output flash book with watermark?
- 22. Quick add background music to flash flip book.
- 23. Make the flip book flips form right to left.
- 24. Add a sound file to current page of flash flipping book.
- 25. Add button to the PDF flip book?
- 26. Burn the flash flip book to CDs?
- 27. Assign a page area in flash e-book to make it printable.
- 28. Can I add movies to my flash flip e-book?
- 29. How to define the output flash booklet quality?
- 30. How to batch convert multiple PDFs into flipping books?
- 31. Make a flash flipping booklet with hard cover style?
- 32. How to install Themes for PDF to FlashBook software?
- 33. Can I save the current project for future importing?
- 34. Can I add my own button to the toolbar of the flipping magazine?
- 35. Make flip book toolbar language switchable?
- 36. How to change toolbar icon color of flipping e-books?
- 37. Instant control pages of flash flip catalog?
- 38. Define background color of the flipping booklet?
- 39. How to add my own watermarks to the flash catalog?
- 40. Can I publish the flash flipping magazine to a Mac app?
- 41. How to define button caption font of the flash periodical?
- 42. Can I save the current flash book template to use in other flipping pages?
- 43. How to make flash flip catalog retain center or not?
- 44. How to share my flash flip pages as e-mail attachment?
- 45. Embed a YouTube video to flash flip magazinet?
- 46. Flash book available on iPad iPhone and Android devices?
- 47. Is that possible to choose a render engine for the flash flip pages?
- 48. How to embed an image file to the flip booklet?
- 49. Can I do any regulations to the mobile version of the flash flip periodicals?
- 50. How do I know the search traffic of my flash catalog?
- 51. Can I make the flash flip page book more lifelike?
- 52. Is that possible to define the initial show of the page flip manual?
- 53. How to change the page background color of the flash flip paper?
- 54. How to add the same object to different pages of the flash flipping book?
- 55. How can I define HTML title keywords and description of the html format flip catalog?
- 56. To choose single page mode or double page mode for flash flip e-books.
- 57. Do you want to define the output flash handbook .exe file icon?
- 58. Make ebooks with flip page effect for iPhone or Android devices?
- 59. Why does not the links available when the PDF converted to flash book?
- 60. Can I make a book demo contains only a part of the contents?
- 61. Can I merge several PDFs into one flash flip book?
- 62. Do you need to set watermarked page range?
- 63. Change watermark opacity in the flash book page.
- 64. How to open an external file in flip book?
- 65. Embed a small flash book to an area of webpage.
- 66. How to slide show photos in your flash book?
- 67. Embed a video with preview graphic to click and play.
- 68. Enable the page flipping effect to prompt readers to flip.
- 69. How to add links to watermark?
- 70. Is the watermark in a too high density?
- 71. Export your own watermark.
- 72. Use command line to create flip page catalog.
- 73. Upload emagazine to your website.
- 74. Why the links invalid when zoomed in?
- 75. How to add the watermark only on the first page of the flipbook?
- 76. Can I delete a page from the flipping book?
- 77. How to hide the thumbnail panel of the flipping pamphlet?
- 78. Make the background music play and stop automatically.
- 79. Hide the sound player bar by replacing it.
- 80. Change the picture layer of flash book.
- 81. How to mute flipping sound effect of the flash book?
- 82. Options of flip book printing area.
- 83. Why the movie auto plays when turn to the page?
- 84. Problems with importing wide pages?
- 85. Do you want to batch convert PDF to Mac app flip books?
- 86. How to define style when batch converting?
- 87. A quick way to create flash flippingbooks.
- 88. How to switch templates of the flash pamphlet?
- 89. Can I change the flash window font?
- 90. Why can’t I open external files?
- 91. Some options about flash language changing
- 92. How to redo or undo operations?
- 93. Search button disappear from the flippingbook?
- 94. How to make images transparent in flash book?
- 95. How to make the embedded object on the top layer?
- 96. Why the BGM of my flip book plays only once?
- 97. What is the different between share and social share button?
- 98. Little tricks of controlling flippingbooks.
- 99. The book frame bar disappeared?
- 100. How to increase flip book converting speed?
- 101. Why the flash book flips from left to right?
- 102. The flipping book cannot zoom in?
- 103. The flip book flips automatically when launched?
- 104. Can I convert my word file to flash book?
- 105. How to add a flash animation into the flash flip book?
- 106. How to open link on flash page in a new window?
- 107. Can I make flash book an animation background?
- 108. How to flip flash book to specific page in a second?
- 109. Why I can only import ten pages into flash book maker each time?
- 110. How to apply multimedia object to all flash pages quickly?
- 111. How to add link to certain locations on flash page?
- 112. Can I define the page number box’s location freely for flash book?
- 113. How to change colors of links for flash book?
- PDF to FlashBook Standard
- 1. Import inconsecutive pages into PDF to FlashBook Standard.
- 2. How to use the embedded themes quickly?
- 3. Why the link I add into the flip page is unavailable when zoom in?
- 4. How to make the flash flip book remains in the center of the flash window?
- 5. Can I return my flash flip book to a blank theme status quickly?
- 6. Why the bookmark disappears after importing into the flash flip book software?
- 7. Can I add a Google Analytics ID to the online flash flip book?
- 8. How to add an Auto Play button to the toolbar of the flash book?
- 9. How to share a flash book on the Facebook?
- 10. How to show the bookmark initially whenever I open the flash flip book?
- 11. How to burn the flash book to a CD?
- 12. How do I show the flash flip book in single page mode?
- 13. Can I open the link that inserted into the flash book in a new blank window?
- 14. Can I change the icon color in the toolbar for my flash flip book?
- 15. Export watermarks for importing to other flash flip books.
- 16. Hide the flash flip book frame bar.
- 17. Change the icon color for the flash book window.
- 18. How to go to the first or the last flash page directly?
- 19. How to share my flash book via email?
- 20. How to change the color of the search result for the flash flip book?
- 21. Is it possible to change the button text font for flash book?
- 22. Can I define the flash book proportions by myself?
- 23. Can I show the home button with a URL in the flash book toolbar?
- 24. Can I define the auto play count for my flash flip book?
- 25. How to make the flash book home button URL opened in another blank window?
- 26. Which flash template should I choose if I need to initially show the thumbnails?
- 27. How to use the email share function of pdf to magazine converter?
- 28. How to show background file perfectly for the flash flip book?
- 29. How to make the flash flip book a hard cover?
- 30. How can I batch convert PDF files to flash book?
- PDF to FlashBook Lite
- 1. Make flash books with animated effect?
- 2. How to use my own flash effect?
- 3. Make flash books with two background pictures.
- 4. Can I shorten the page slide time?
- 5. Can I make an Epub version of flippingbook?
- 6. How to define my own book menu language?
- 7. How to set password to flippingbook?
- 8. Can I set my favorite order of several documents when they are batch converted to flash book?
- 9. Why can't I find my bookmarks when reread my flash book?
- 10. How to design a watermark by myself for my flipping book?
- 11. I want to add a title to describe my flipping book?
- 12. Can my book show the thumbnails whenever I open it?
- 13. Can I design themes by myself and import them to my other e-books?
- 14. How to change the color of flash window for the sake of matching the theme?
- 15. I don’t need the page frame bar showing beside the page.
- 16. Why the background image of my flip book can’t contract with the flash window?
- 17. How to make my flipping catalogue flips faster?
- 18. Can I define the flipping book margin by myself?
- 19. How to make the background music play all the time?
- 20. Can my flash books play in looping mode?
- 21. Is it able to define the slide interval of the flash pages by myself?
- 22. How to set a password for the flipbook?
- 23. Define the flipping page background color to match the themes.
- 24. Remove the watermark from my flash flip book.
- 25. How to burn my PDF to flip book to a CD?
- 26. Can I define the background color directly without importing any theme?
- 27. How to embed a sound file into my pdf flip book?
- 28. Why my PDF to flip book slides from left to right?
- 29. Is there any quick way to flip the flash flip book to a specific page?
- 30. How to merge several pdf files into one flash book?
- 31. Why the link I embed into the flip page is not available?
- 32. How to make the flipping book plays automatically when it is open?
- 33. How to make a multi-level bookmark with the flip book maker?
- 34. What are the differences among these three output types?
- 35. How to remove the animated effect from the pdf to flip book?
- 36. Is there any way to ensure the color quality of my pdf flip book?
- 37. Add an animated scene effect as the background for pdf to flip book.
- 38. Can I save the flash flip book as a project for reusing in the future?
- 39. Can I define a Meta tag for flash flip book which is of HTML format?
- 40. Don’t show the thumbnails when the flash flip book is open.
- 41. Can I set a password for some of the flipping pages?
- 42. Can I define the times to play the background music for my flash flip book?
- 43. Which flash book maker is good at animated eBook?
- 1. Can I create flash books from office files?
- 2. Can I publish the office files to Mac apps?
- 3. Why background did not show when the word file converted to flash book?
- 4. Make background music play when turn to the page and stop when leave?
- 5. Search characters from the flipping office file.
- 6. Do you need to print the flash office book?
- 7. How to read the flash book on mobile device?
Office to FlashBook
- 1. How to decorate photo with a frame with the photo album maker?
- 2. Can I adjust the angle of picture with the digital photo album maker?
- 3. Adjust quality of image with the photo to flash book maker.
- 4. Can I reset the photos order when convert them to flash book?
- 5. Can I use my own photo frame to decorate my flash photo album?
- 6. Can I design a template for my flash photo album?
- 7. Do you want to add bookmark to the flash photo album or not?
- 8. Can I improve the brightness for the digital photo album?
- 9. How to add clip arts into the photo flash book?
- 10. How to undo operations when convert photo to flash book?
- 11. How to sort photos automatically before converting to flash book?
- 12. How to add watermark for the photo to flash book album?
Photo to FlashBook Professional