Q: Can I set a password for some of the flipping pages?
A: Read the following direction and you will find it's very easy to do.
I am wondering if the PDF to FlashBook Lite is able to set a password for several pages of my flash flip book. Because of that a password is needed for just some of the pages but not the whole book. How can I make it?
If you have known how to set a password to protect a flash book, you will find this is very easy to realize too.
Step1: find the “Security Settings” bar in the left panel and click “…”.
Step2: select “Single Password” and type in your password in the blank; select “Exclude Front Pages” and type in the page numbers which will not need the password.
Step3: click “OK” and apply change, you will find that the value of the Security Settings bar is “Single Password” as below.
*Please be aware that you have to click “Apply Changes” to apply any changes to the flash book.
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