Q: Why background did not show when the word file converted to flash book?

A: Read the following direction and you will find it's very easy to do.

I’m working on a word file and now I have to convert it to a flash flip book. There are some background images and stripes that I applied on, and when I import to the Office to FlashBook, they were all gone. Only sentences and paragraphs were imported and background disappeared. How can I fix this?

That may be caused by some options in Microsoft Word. Then you have to change some options in the Office Word. Click “Word Options” like below.

And then choose “display” from the left column, and check “print background colors and images” option and “OK”.

Now try importing the file again and see if the backgrounds were perfectly imported.

*Please be aware that you have to click “Apply Changes” to apply any changes to the flash book.

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