Q: How to burn the flash book to a CD?
A: Read the following direction and you will find it's very easy to do.
I have created an attractive flash flip book with your PDF to FlashBook Standard. And I want to save it on a CD for carry conveniently. How can I make it quickly? And what condition is required?
Obviously, to burn a CD, a CD burner and a blank CD are required. It will be OK if your computer has the disc writing function. Then it will take you just minutes to burn.
Step1: design your flash book and then click “Publish” to start to convert.
Step2: select the “Burn to CD” option and define a title for your book. If you can to play the book automatically, you should select the “Make it automatically play the flipbook in CD” option too.
*Please be aware that you have to click “Apply Changes” to apply any changes to the flash book.
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