ZIP—An easy way to email files together.
In the descriptions of Flash Book Creator software, there is an advantage described like this: Publish Flash catalogs online, Email and CD. But which output format is for sending created Flash book via Emails?
You can find the answer to this question in the FAQ "How can I send created books to others via Email". It tells you to you to choose ZIP as output type to send output files of Flash Book via Emails. But what's ZIP? Why choose ZIP as the format to send via Emails?
The ZIP file format is a data compression and archive format. A ZIP file contains one or more files that have been compressed, to reduce file size, or stored as is. Individual files can be retrieved without reading through other data.
If you have a file on your computer that is so ridiculously large that it's impossible for you to send it to a friend as an Email attachment, or you want to email someone a bunch of different files at the same time but don't want to go to the tedious process of having to attach the files to the email one at a time, that's where the ZIP file format comes in.
There are four ways you can choose to publish your Flash Book: HTML, ZIP, EXE and Burn to CD. You will get a HTML file, a SWF file and a "files" folder in output directory if you choose "*.html" output type. These files are necessary to view Flash eBooks in browsers, and the ZIP just helps you to compress all these files and folders into a single package for you to attach and send out at a time.
Microsoft has included built-in ZIP support (under the name "compressed folders") in versions of its Windows operating system since 1998. Apple has included built-in ZIP support in Mac OS X 10.3 and later, along with other compression formats. There are also numerous ZIP tools available, and numerous ZIP libraries for various programming environments; licenses used include commercial and open source. For instance, WinZip is one well-known ZIP tool running on Windows and WinRAR, IZarc, Info-zip, 7-Zip , PeaZip and DotNetZip are other tools, available on various platforms. Some of those tools have library or programmatic interfaces.
Besides send Flash Book in ZIP format in Emails, you can also choose output type as "*.html" and then upload all files online. Then you just need to send a single link of your Book to other people for them to click and view your eBook online. More details about sharing online.